2017 Honor an Educator Awards

MiddleGate School

Teacher: Linda Baron
You are a superstar! Thank you for all you do. A. Happy Student

Teacher: Linda Baron
Thank you! Hailey Avari

Teacher: Linda Baron
Thank you! Zach Avari

Teacher: Colleen Carriero
Thank you! Zach Avari

Teacher: Robyn Cologna
Mrs. Cologna, Thank you for being a great teacher. You helped me get ready for 4th grade. I'll never forget doing the regions projects they were so much fun! Love Kaylee

Teacher: Leanne Connors
Thank you! Zach Avari

Teacher: Claire DeSisto
Thank you! Hailey Avari

Teacher: Christopher Geissler
Thank you! Zach Avari

Teacher: Tanya LaBonia
I wish I had school on the weekends because I want to learn more. Love Jackson  •  Thank you for being a great teacher for my first year at school. Love Kaylee

Teacher: Tanya LaBonia
Thank you! Zach Avari

Teacher: Andrea Martinetto
Thank you for all of your help. You are very nice. Love Gabby

Teacher: Caren Mottola
Thank you for all of your help. You are very nice. Love Izzy

Teacher: Bethany Phillips
Mrs. Phillips, Second grade is an important year. You taught me everything I needed to learn and more. You are kind and generous. Thank you for being a great teacher. Love Kaylee

Teacher: Shannon Pierce
Thank you! Zach Avari

Teacher: Chandra Salvatore
Mrs. Salvatore, You are a kind loving teacher. You taught me a lot! I will remember you for the rest of my life. Love Kaylee

Teacher: Lina Silveira
Thank you! Hailey Avari

Teacher: Amy Taylor
Mrs. Taylor is the best teacher in the world. She is very nice and she teaches us a lot of math. Zachary Bush

Teacher: Amy Taylor
Thank you for inspiring me to do my best. Sophie Oldi